WarBird Pics

WarBird Photos
Ki-61 Hien (Tony) Exhibition, Kobe, Japan, October 2016
In October 2016, Kawasaki Industries held an exhibition in the Kobe Exhibition Hall, Kobe, Japan to show the initial restoration
work that had been completed on the Ki-61 Hien (Tony) from the Chiran Peace Museum, Kagoshima, Southern Kyushu, Japan. After this
exhibition, the Ki-61 was going to continue restoration. When the presentation restoration is complete, the current plan is to
display the Ki-61 in the Kamigahara Air Museum, Gifu, Japan.
To see the Ki-61 in the Chiran Peace Museum in 2004, click on the link below:
Chiran Peace Museum, Kagoshima, Japan - August 2004
The wing pylons that were on the Ki-61 in Kagoshima are not around in the Kobe exhibition. This may be just an omission or perhaps the
wing fuel tank and bomb that were displayed there are not consistent with this aircraft. It also has been said that the Kagoshima paint job
was not that good.
The following pages show the exhibition on the weekends of 10/23/2016 and 10/30/2016. I apologize for the quality of the photos as I only had
my IPhone5 to use for taking pictures. I had no warning about this exhibition before I went to Japan for work. I will make up for it by getting
better quality photos after the Ki-61 arrives at Kamigahara.

Ki-61 Hien (Tony) - Page 1
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